David Arbetter (10 out of 10 ) I believe that this is one of the top three movies ever made. Oliver Stone, in my humble opinion is a genius. The script is so detailed and his vocabulary is spot on. For instance, one doesn't see the word stentorian too often these days. In any case, an absolutely incredible, flowing, screenplay which I rate a ten.
GDFace (10 out of 10 ) Agree with Arbetter. The language is beautiful (though not in the traditional sense) and exact, and this is one of the few scripts where I can "hear" and "see" the characters speaking. The plot is a little technical, but it's not too hard for a layman to figure out. All in all, a perfect script.
Script: 10/10 | Movie: haven't seen yet
Nuke (10 out of 10 ) It's extremely interesting to see the differences between the movie's plot and the screenplay. I think that the movie's ending is much better, Darien was just a whore, it was obvious. The ending romance is misplaced. Anyway 10/10 exactly like the movie, a masterpiece.
Anand Potdar (9 out of 10 ) Wall Street is the bible of concurrent financial markets and modern day capitalism and shall remain so in many decades to come. A brilliant portrayal of greed by Michael Douglas is something matchless. The movie released way back in 1980s is still relevant and agile.